About CBN

CBN About Us ImageOur Mission

  • Conduct neuroscience research to understand the brain and enhance society.
  • Advance our understanding of health and illness to inform diagnosis and treatment.
  • Provide a state-of-the-art research and training environment to educate future neuroscientists.

Cutting-Edge Brain Research in the 21st Century

We are actively pursuing questions in human brain research that have implications for a broad range of fields including psychology, education, and public health.

  • How can brain imaging support early diagnosis of developmental disorders?
  • How does culture shape the brain?
  • What can the brain tell us about well-being and chronic disease?
  • Can you train the brain to be less anxious?
  • How can mindfulness training make a more resilient brain?
  • How does immune function impact brain function?
  • How can the dynamics of the brain impact function?

Facilities and Resources

The Cox Neuroscience Annex is a new interdisciplinary neuroscience building on campus with participant testing, office, and laboratory space. Laboratories include equipment to collect questionnaire (e.g., Qualtrics), behavioral (e.g., Eprime, Presentation, Matlab), psychophysiological (e.g., Mindware, Biopac), Electroencephalography (EEG/ERP), structural/functional MRI data. Laboratories have shared Linux space to conduct imaging analyses using FSL, SPM, and AFNI. 

Neuroimaging Technology for Innovation

Our in-house Neuroimaging Facility houses the first research-dedicated scanner in South Florida. 100% of the resources at our facility are devoted to supporting our research mission. Our state-of-the-art Siemens Vida 3T MR scanner and 32-channel head coil is optimized for performing structural and functional scans in human subjects. The MRI suite has specialized equipment to assess cognitive, perceptual, emotional, social, behavioral and physiological processes.
